Emergency Response, Readiness and Recovery Consultancy


Emergency Response for the Mining, Industrial and Private Sectors.

Areas of Practice



Response plans are an essential part of any emergency response capability. Response plans need to cover all aspects of site-specific risk. They need to be fit for purpose, adaptable and deliver an appropriate and timely response. Our staff will meet with your representatives and develop a response plan that meets the needs and expectations of your organisation.  


We live in a fast-changing world. Emergency Response must maintain pace with new Legislation, technology, processes and procedures. Whether you have an existing emergency response capability or are setting up one from scratch, we can conduct audits on your emergency response capability, needs, and plans.


Emergency Response is a very specialised field. Having emergency response capability supported by state-of-the-art emergency response and rescue equipment is of no use without the operators of such equipment having the necessary skills to operate them. We ascertain the skill sets required for your specific risks and equipment. We then develop training regimes to provide the response crews with the appropriate skills to use the equipment provided. From this training regime, we develop a skills maintenance schedule to keep rescue crews up to date with their training. Through our preferred training providers, we can provide site training packages required by your staff to maintain minimum skill levels for emergency response crews. Training in Incident Management for both site management and response crew is available.


Deciding which emergency response vehicle to purchase is a complicated process. Emergency vehicles are by their very nature high cost items and with so many different types of appliances available to the end user, it is paramount that the correct vehicle is chosen to suit your needs. We apply our wealth of resources and knowledge to identify the options available then make recommendations on the correct vehicle for your site, taking into consideration budget, the risks and environment in your work place.


All buildings must comply with the relevant legislation set down by the Governments in the State or Country in which they operate. From a basic inspection to the most complex issue, we provide qualified advice on all aspects of Building Fire Safety in accordance with the Building Codes of Australia, Building Regulations, Fire & Emergency Services Act 1990, Fire & Emergency Services Regulations Qld-2011.


An appropriate response plan is crucial to the success of any emergency response, particularly when an organisation is required by law to provide such an emergency response capability. Our experienced staff will audit your site and write an emergency response plan that meets these statutory requirements. We write plans that deliver a timely response to each incident and one that also provides the best outcomes for workers safety. Through our contracted providers we provide all training required for emergency response and rescue along with Incident Management training for site management and response crews.


Recent bushfire events across Australia have highlighted the need for organisations to implement Hazard Mitigation planning as part of their Operational Plans. The staff at ERRRC can develop Hazard Mitigation Plans that ensure the risk to your assets and business continuity is reduced to an acceptable level.


One way to prove your emergency response is effective and provides the desired outcomes is to run exercises. Exercising emergency response plans and crews provides a valuable source of feedback and will highlight what is working well and the issues that need adjustment. We plan and implement exercises to test your emergency response plans and capability at your site. We provide a written report as to the effectiveness of your emergency response capability.


Emergency vehicles and equipment must be ready to use at all times. These response vehicles and equipment must be maintained within Australian Standards and manufacturers guidelines. To this end, all emergency vehicles and equipment must be tested at regular and specified intervals to ensure operational readiness. We develop site-specific maintenance schedules for your emergency vehicles and equipment to ensure operational readiness and compliance.


Incident Management is a complex field with many management structures in use across the globe. Selecting the most appropriate incident management structure for your operation is crucial to successful outcomes from emergency incidents. Our staff can assist you to develop your incident management structure.  We provide Incident Management training for site management and response crews.


Recovery is normally associated with returning people and business to normal after a significant event. While employee wellbeing is a priority, Brand damage and lost production due to emergencies has a negative impact to any organisation and the community in which that organisation conducts their operations. Whether that be due to financial and emotional stress of staff and community members or lost production time, reducing the impact of these events has flow on benefits far beyond the physical boundaries of the operation. Our experienced personnel will identify and develop processes to reduce the downtime after any emergency incident. We develop Recovery Plans to assist in returning the organisation and wider community to normal conditions in a timely manner.  


Reducing the vegetation and ground level fuel load at your site is an integral part of a Hazard Mitigation Plan. We at ERRRC have a crew of highly qualified firefighters at our disposal to conduct hazard reduction burns at your facility. We have the necessary knowledge and access to fire-fighting equipment & PPE to conduct the burns in a safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable manner which is essential to ensure business continuity.


The type of emergency equipment required by emergency responders varies according to risk. Each specific risk requires specialist equipment. Your emergency response equipment must be fit for purpose. Our company will establish the type, quality and quantity of equipment required on your site. We then provide you with a report with the recommended equipment needed to meet your individual minimum response requirements, individually chosen for each risk.


There are numerous Acts and Regulations providing direction and placing requirements of mines and industry operators. Understanding an operator’s obligations under these Acts and Regulations is often confusing and daunting for many people. Our experienced staff reference all legislation effecting your site and provide advice enabling you to meet these requirements. We ensure that all Legislative and Australian Standards requirements affecting your site are met.


Working in isolated areas poses unique risks to employees. Workers need to be aware of isolated areas in their work place. Our experienced staff identify at risk tasks and areas on your site. We develop Working in Isolation plans to reduce these risks to as low as reasonably acceptable.
