Emergency Response, Readiness and Recovery Consultancy


Safety. Preparation. Compliance.


We aim to deliver a high standard consultancy service by providing expert advice on emergency vehicle acquisition, emergency response equipment, planning and readiness, emergency response procedures, developing recovery guidelines, exercise planning and delivery, building fire safety compliance, working in isolation and Legislative compliance.

We aim to deliver high standard advice on and delivery of, Incident Management training packages to site management and emergency response teams.

We can prepare high end hazard mitigation plans for your site. We provide a professional fire fighting service to reduce the vegetation fire hazard which reduces the exposure risk of your facility.

We provide professional audits on new and existing emergency response operations in the mining, industrial and private sectors.


Get in touch

We at ERRRC know that providing an effective Emergency Response capability is a sometimes-difficult task to navigate through. That is why we offer our services to walk you through your needs and goals to meet Legislative requirements and conditions.

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Barry Maluga

Barry is a co-founder of ERRRC and focuses on meeting with clients, assessing the current position of the client’s organisation and establishing the desired outcomes, providing reports to the client on options and gives recommendations in order for the client to meet their obligations in relation to Government Legislation, Emergency Response and Work Health & Safety. Prior to co-founding ERRRC, Barry managed the Biloela Command for Queensland Fire & Emergency Services. In this role, Barry led his agency in many natural disasters and emergency incidents working with the mining, industrial and private sectors as well as all levels of Government. He represented his organisation during the development of the LNG projects on Curtis Island. 

Barry was instrumental in providing a modern, best practice, emergency response capability to the communities within his Command. Barry has worked as a professional firefighter for over 33 years reaching the rank of Inspector. Barry has vast experience training professional firefighters, members of the general public, industrial firefighters in a broad range of courses and skills. Prior to joining the Fire Service, Barry worked as a Fitter and Turner in heavy industry, namely QAL. He has owned and operated several small businesses along the way.




Pat Hollands

Pat is a co-founder of ERRRC and focuses on meeting with clients, assessing the current position of the client’s organisation and establishing the desired outcomes, providing reports to the client on options and gives recommendations in order for the client to meet their obligations in relation to Government Legislation, Emergency Response and Work Health & Safety. Pat provides extensive experience with over 33 years open cut coal mining with large scale equipment, shift management, 20 years open cut mines rescue, leading rescue crews in on-site incidents, working with onsite management teams, developing emergency response plans, selecting fit for purpose rescue equipment, 22 years Queensland Fire And Emergency Service, training staff and response crews, development of training programs for professional development and skills maintenance, redevelopment of urban fire stations as well as working with major mines and industries on interaction with public sector rescue services.



  • “As a Power Station Shift Superintendent spanning almost 14 years, I have been involved with many Training organisations across a broad cross-section of Topic’s but it is the recently completed Training course relating to Fire Fighting and Breathing Apparatus (BA) at the NRG Gladstone Power Station by consultants from Emergency Response Readiness and Recovery Consultancy that really struck a chord with me. Not only was the subject matter, both in the theoretical and practical sense, delivered in a very professional and timely manner, it was clearly demonstrated over the course of the Training that there was a vast wealth of experience being called upon by the Trainers from their own respective careers and personal experiences that they injected into the subject matter where appropriate which only served to enhance the message being conveyed to the Trainee’s.

    Based on my personnel experiences spanning the breadth of my career and the experience from Training completed to date with ERRRC, I have no hesitation in recommending this company for consideration whenever there is a need for Emergency Training courses to be undertaken.” goes here

  • “QER has an important responsibility to safely manage our operations and land, and to ensure impacts on our neighbours are kept to a minimum.

    QER identified that there was an elevated risk from uncontrolled fires due to a build-up of grass and flora debris across our site. We sought the expert guidance of how to plan and manage these risks engaging Barry and Pat from Emergency Response Readiness and Recovery Consultancy (ERRRC).

    The planning by ERRRC was second to none and as the Site Senior Executive it made me feel at ease when it came time for the execution phase of the plan and we began the Hazard Reduction burns (controlled backburning).

    The team assembled by ERRRC had a combined experience of over 230 years in the QFRS and it was evident that this team knew what they were doing. They knew how to do it as safely as possible by managing the risks and keeping these as low as possible. The teamwork displayed over the whole period was exceptional.

    We all know how important it is to keep bush fire risks to a minimum and the devastation caused by uncontrolled bushfires, but also the risks associated with controlled burns becoming uncontrolled. I have no hesitation in recommending ERRRC to others requiring a professional, risk managed planned approach to Hazard Reduction.”
